Monday, March 23, 2009

All set up


I made these cute prints from some old canvas's and curtain material we had.

Nana Rauch gave us this musical mobile, we have it hung above the changetable, Xavier has tested it out and gives it the thumbs up!!

My teddies

Changetable & Cot

Baby's Room

We have been sooooooo lucky, Ad's cuz Cassie has lent us a bassinet, bouncer, sterilzer and heaps of clothes and wraps. We picked up a matching changetable, cot, mattress and loads of linen from a friends of Mum's for a bargain, which Mum paid half of for us. She also gave Mum a 2 year old, 3 wheeler pusher for FREE with rain and shade cover!! We already had a pusher that we'd bought from a work collegue when Xavier was born. Auntie Rachy has lent us a sling, and been a wealth of knowledge, and a also gave us a very cute Sprout 00000 outfit. Auntie Dorota has lent us a Snugli carrier, play mat and some toys. My old teddies and books have come out of storage, mind you Ad thinks my bunny and Sammy the lammy are a bit freaky looking!! Auntie Loni & Uncle Rory gave us a Palmers pregnancy pack, Auntie Tan gave us some cute rompers and a snuggly soft blankie, Nana Rauch gave us some 00000 outfits and socks as soon as we found out. Lisa and Shaun have donated a car seat. Like i said, we have been extremely LUCKY!! Thank you soo much every one xxxx

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Monday, March 9, 2009

12 week scan

Wednesday 18th Feb 09 we went back for another scan to measure the nuchal fold. We had the fabulous Gary this time. He was GREAT!! A massive difference from our first scan. He was pointing everything out for us, printing photos like crazy, and labelling them for us. Half way through he let me release a full bladder........ahh relief! He had me turning left and right, and coughing to get the baby to move around. I'd also had a choc quik this morning, so i think this may have increased baby's mobility somewhat!! Very very active today, lots of kicking and arm waving. Bub is now 6.2cm, grown a whopping 2cm in just 1 week!!!! 1st pic is profile of face and one waving hand, 2nd pic is long kicking legs and you can see baby's ribs too, pic 3 is laying with arms crossed over head (just like cousin Xavier sleeps!)

Our 1st Scan

On Monday 9th Feb we were scheduled to have, what we thought was our 12 week scan. So after downing 500ml of water and holding for 1 HOUR, we set off to see our baby for the first time. We were both really excited and had been looking forward to this day for a few weeks now, as you can imagine. We had borrowed a video camera and were looking forward to taping the scan and the sound of the heartbeat. After a short wait we were called in and i was squirted with gel. We had a really grumpy young girl performing the scan, she wasnt very pleasant at all. She told us the baby was too small (i freaked out) then she added too small to be 12 weeks, and she decided we were only 11 weeks (okay Ami baby is just fine). She was getting annoyed because she couldnt take the measurement she needed as baby needed to be 4.5cm and was only 4.09cm, so she sent me to the bathroom to release half of my bladder!!! (easier said than done) After waitng for another 20mins she called us back, pushed on poked around a bit more, but still no smile on her dial. We were asking "is that our baby's arm, leg etc?" I asked if we were able to hear the heartbeat, after a big sigh, huff and a puff she agreeed. Wow what an amazing sound, a strong 153 beats per minute, PERFECT. Ad jokingly said "so it only has one head then?" She answered with "I cant tell you anything with the baby this size, you'll have to wait till your next scan" Geez, no sense of humour in this one!! Anyhow she wouldnt let us video the scan due to legal ramifications (yeah like we could sue her for being HORRIBLE!) After another huff n puff she agreed to print us a picture, after stating "you wont be able to see anything anyway" So here we have the very first picture of our baby to start the album. Head on the right. How cute :)